Sayings & Doing
a feed of @cykod and @artimated's work and blogs

HTML5 Gaming: the sound of Inevitability
[X-post from]

Discover your non-testing Goat w/ Git blame and RCov
I wrote a quick n' dirty script for fun last night to see how we were doing on test coverage and who was responsible for the most untested code in the git...

How To: Social Plugins
[ This is a Guest Post from Cykod Intern James Burke ] This is ...

Programmer Short Stories
While reading heavyweight developer tomes is a good way to get in-depth details about a specific topic, sometimes it's nice to snack on some lighter fare ...

3D in the Browser: WebGL Presentation
With all the new releasing coming out - I thought it was a good time for a presentation on WebGL - below are the slides I presented to the
Innovating on your strength
One of the great things about the Web is that the barrier to entry for a new enterprise is incredibly small - all the infrastructure you need to get start...
Getting my Hack Back
Stagnant. There's nothing quite as scary as feeling...
Recovering a Website from Thin Air
Or, Undeleting Mysql MyISAM Note: this post is from 2012 but I never got aro...

Class Slides from Web Design 1 - Fall 2011
Martha and I taught Web Design 1 this past fall semester at MassArt and used CoderDeck for creating ...

Using Node.js and your phone to control a Browser game
This past week I undertook a pretty cool project as the Intern here at Cykod. We were wondering how easily a smart phone –specifically using its gyr...

Boston Front End Web Developers Meetup, Round #1
The first Boston Front End Web Developers Meetup went off this past Wednesday (May 25th) according to plan with around 30 people showing up ...

PCI Compliance on Amazon's AWS
UPDATE: As Spencer noted in the comment below, you can now configure ELB to generate PCI-compliant SSL proxying.  ...
Vector Graphics on the Web Presentation
Presentation on the current state of Vector graphics on the Web to the January Boston ruby group.
Cracking the Customer Acquisition Nut
Presentation I gave to the Boston Enet on the seventh of December
Boston HTML5 Game Development Recap
The first ever Boston HTML5 Game Development Meetup went off yesterday without a hitch at the MocoSpace offices in South Boston (special thanks to Sponsor...

How to speak Internet.
Alternative title: Internet speak for the over 50. TL;DR - drop the The when talking about Internet sites, know what Memes are.

Gumptionology for developers
Having just finished "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" I find that the word "Gumption" has been rattling around my bra...

When's the best time to email a busy person?
Mid-morning. Here's why: many people (myself included) don't ge...

Javascript FTW
Here's the slides from my presentation on the many uses of Javascript + HTML5 from BarCampBoston 6
Keeping it Lean at
The word "Lean" has come a long way from being primarily associated with ground beef and toned abs. For people in the startup community, lean has become s...
Javascript Everyone: Online, Offline and on the Server
Presentation I gave to the MIT IAP HTML5 Game Development class on Debugging and Optimizing Javascript, Local Storage, Offline Storage and a little bit of...
Building a simple online Karaoke site
TL;DR - We built a online holiday themed sing-a-long site called to play around with recording web audio wi...